'Cat Lady' by Leslie Anthony

  • Art Type: Painting
  • Medium: oil
  • Material: canvas
  • Width: 24.00"
  • Height: 18.00"
  • Price: Unavailable
  • Description: "Cat Lady was completely made up. It was a fun composition with some help from the neighbors cats, my plants and herbs on my deck etc. The painting sold fairly quickly to a client who wanted it for her daughter whom already owned about 6 cats. Now she has more but does not need to clean up after them."

* Art Gallery Data is not responsible for the actual availability of art since artists may not update their information upon a sale. Please check directly with the artist and gallery.

Art by this artistContact Web Site: www.leslieanthonyfineart.com

Print a Card

Click the link below to produce a card with information about this art. Please use a modern browser such as Firefox to print your own card on Cat Lady. Format is for a vertical 4" x 6" photo paper. Please use shrink to fit and no margins. Print Preview will help you make sure your print will be as expected.

Art Gallery Data can not guarantee your results.

Print Card for Cat Lady